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  • 顶级流动性和技术提供商 

  • 值得信赖的流动性和技术提供商

帐号 #1 3,000$
帐号 #2 8,400$
帐号 #3 16,850$
帐号 #4 5,900$

什么是 多账户经理  ?

Multi Account Manager is a tool that allows a single trader to plan and execute block trades on multiple accounts that are operating under a single MT5 interface.
It gives freedom to place bulk orders with speed to unlimited accounts. The entire process is very speedy and well structured and could be executed from a single trading terminal.
Who can use the MAM? Multi Account Manager can be used by any professional traders having authority to manage funds on behalf of their clients.

的好处 多账户经理

允许的所有交易平台类型,包括 EA、剥头皮、全权委托

What is difference between PAMM and MAM accounts?

Both accounts mainly used by professional traders and allow Master Account to automatically connect Investor accounts, the difference is the percentage allocation since PAMM using a total pool of money for trading and MAM is a sort of derivative from PAMM where Manager traders on behalf of investor.

Offer your clients investments, not a hobby

Risk control is what makes the difference between active and passive investments.
With our platform, your clients can set a risk limit for their investments and feel safe and calm. A less stressful experience will earn the trust of your clients.

Less Stress, More Trust


Private and public accounts

Our platform by default has a leaderboard of master accounts. However, your money managers have the option to show or hide accounts from the leaderboard.

Successful strategies deserve to be presented in the best possible way Collect, share and present your trading history with minimal effort.


Four types of fees all paid automatically for 多客户经理 (MAM)

ur types of fees are available within the investment platform. Each are designed to pay money managers for their efforts and are transferred from the investment account to a trader's wallet
Performance Fee
Industry-standard fee type. Calculated as X percent of net profit. Based on high watermark. Can be paid daily / weekly / monthly
Subscription Fee
The simplest type of fee. Just one flat fee regardless of account size, trading frequency or profit. USD only. Can be paid daily / weekly / monthly
Management Fee
Type of fee that is paid independently from trading activity or profit made. Set in a percentage per year of assets. Can be paid as a percentage of equity or as a percentage of balance.
Volume Fee
Second most popular fee type. Calculated as a USD/lot. Paid immediately after closing a position.


MAM余额 每月收入: 10,000$
每月收入 = MAM 余额( 50K $ ) × 利润( 30% ) = 15,000 $


每1手佣金: 10
您客户的数量 您的总佣金: 10,000$

How to Create Master account in 多客户经理 (MAM)

  1. Register on the MAM  platform as a master  account.
  2. Set the settings that suit your strategy.
  3. Set fees for your services.
  4. Fill your account.

Enter CRM go to copy trade enter my accounts press in master account go to setting go to Promo Offers and create a offer for your client

Yes, he can determine the value of the minimum deposit for each subscription. The minimum balance that investors must have in their investment accounts to be able to subscribe to your main account. This is also the minimum balance that must be maintained in investment accounts after withdrawing funds to maintain subscriptions

No, there is no limit. One copy-trade account can be followed by thousands of followers.

No, all MAM investor investment accounts are in read-only mode. Investors can only unsubscribe from a master but cannot trade on their own.

Brokers with MAM accounts provide managed Forex Account service for retail and professional traders and are service providers or platform for MAM account feature like OXShare Broker .

由国际金融公司 IFC 在圣卢西亚注册的 OXShare 有限公司 注册号 00101(注册地址:1st Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia) 

客户必须年满 18 岁才能使用 OXShare 的服务。

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